Sunday, May 14, 2017


Life is just like TAKE and TIME. In fact life is all about TAKE and TIME. Why? Some words can be so powerful you know. I can’t even remember what I was looking for in the Dictionary before I stumbled into these words. Ok. I remember now, I was looking-up for the correct spelling of the word TYPHOID. Of course, it is a  common word but just pronounce it now and try to write down your pronunciation if you are sincere to yourself , then you wouldn’t have to blame me. I use that word almost more often especially whenever I feel some headache or feverish. At such times I will always remember MALARIA and TYPHOID, I think they are the most common names in the African Hospitals especially here in Nigeria if am not mistaken. But unlike Malaria, Typhoid will always have to make me think he is Malaria, so confusing that it is as if they have the same symptoms. That is just by the way.
So as I was trying to confirm my spelling, I met the word TAKE. A common word that we use almost all the time more than we can ever remember or recount; but I was about to ignore it but discovered that the Dictionary left a whole lot of two to three pages for that small and short word, just four letters for Christ’s sake. Oh my! It got up to Forty two (42) different meanings and more, for what! It keeps changing meanings whenever it meets any word no matter how small they are, either before it or after it. Everything around it means a lot. For instance it keeps changing meanings like this, Take-in and Intake. They sound almost alike or they almost mean the same thing but figure it out yourself and you will understand better. The word TAKE keep meeting up other words and other groups of words and it keeps shifting its meanings that even the Great Dictionary had no choice than offer up her precious pages, well…that’s life I guess.
I know am not making sense…don’t blame me please; you are not the first person to find out. I am forced at times to agree with John Locke and his philosopher Friends that our minds are Tabula Raza at birth, but not senses right? So I got some senses. Though I can’t make one because I am not God, Only God can create and make some senses you know…this guy is drunk.
I kept on searching for the correct spelling of the word TYPHOID. As I was scrolling down through the rolls of T words, I met yet another powerful and mysterious word, TIME. Wow, it’s as if all these short powerful words are always four lettered. (Learn to respect short people, they can be mysterious. Just check out these words, Take, Time, Love, Hate, Evil, Good, etc powerful I guess, small but mighty). The Dictionary also left two pages or more for it. That small word you know. Of course we all know the meaning of the word TIME. We use it every time, some of us if not all even philosophize over it (Philosophy of Time). But I think that word is more than philosophy itself…wait, wait, wait a second, don’t crucify me yet, I don’t even know what I am saying. I guess one of my Jokes got into prints.
Yes, the word TIME, have almost the same powers (if not more) with the word TAKE. Just any word beside them changes their meaning, either before them or after them. Just try and put any word beside them and see what I am talking about. And so it is with our lives. Put anything beside it and it makes a lot of difference, what matters is the kind of things you put beside your life. Don’t even try to ask me what I mean because I don’t know.
That was not what led me to the dictionary. I went to the dictionary to find out the correct spelling of the word TYPHOID. Every time I keep treating Malaria and Typhoid. Then I have been asking myself are these two Bad Guys so close like that, are they brothers or what, they kept appearing together. Nawa o. If so, that means their parent will be mean too. I guess we will need to ask the infirmarians or a Doctor. I pray I will never see their parent in my life.
Just like this Malaria and Typhoid sometimes called just Malaria-Typhoid by Doctors and Nurses when they appear at the same time in an individual. You need also to bring these words TAKE and TIME together in your life so that they become one word. Maybe you just have to make them marry each other and become ‘TAKETIME’. They seem so incompatible but they just have to marry themselves anyway, it isn’t my fault. They just have to TAKETIME, they will learn to be together.
You have to take TAKETIME in your life too, because everything gonna be alright. In everything you do, just Take your Time. It is important for You and Me. We will understand life better as we TAKE OUR TIME.
                                                                                                G. Mark C.

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